Monday 24 June 2013

It's show time!

So yesterday was fun! What incredible show, and for such a fantastic cause.

I really wanted to take a photo from backstage but you are 100% not allowed your phones or cameras back there, so it wasn't possible. 
There is something so wonderful about being involved in a show. The fun of rehearsals, getting to the theatre and doing sound checks, tech-ing, run throughs, the make up, the costumes, the nerves before the curtain goes up, the excitement when the music starts, and then when it's all over, wishing you could do it all over again. That really doesn't sum up what the atmosphere is really like, but I don't know how to put it into words. There's just nothing like it. It's electric. 
The audience were incredible. The show finished with 'Do you hear the people sing?' from Les Mis, and as the song hit its peak, they stood, and waved their flags in time with the song. It was just, amazing. 
After the show, I went to the after party - good fun, more dancing! Somehow I never managed to get a photo of my outfit. Fail. But my little blue primark dress went down a treat! Nude heels, gold accessories, and bold lipstick to accompany it. :) 
This morning (after getting to bed at around 3.30) I had some new headshots taken. (Luckily I woke up looking fresh and alert after 5 hours sleep; in hindsight probably not the best idea I've ever had...) For those of you who don't know, your headshot is what gets you anywhere in this industry. If your headshot is wrong, you won't get seen for jobs, however right you may be for the role! Mine was so out-dated (I still had a pixie cut in it, woops) so clearly I wasn't doing myself any favours. I'm so excited to get them, new hairstyle and all. :)

Well, I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and a good start to the week today. I've got family visiting this week, so that will be fun. We're surprising my little Nan tomorrow - it's her 70th birthday this week and she's been trying to pretend it's not happening. Sorry Nan, we all know, you're not letting it slide! ;)

I'm sorry that this has been quite a stagey post! But I hope it gives you some sort of insight into what I do. If you're interested, here's a review of last nights show - 'West End Heroes Review' - I'm one of the 42nd sSt performers.
Is anyone else a performer? I'd love to know if you are. 

Over and out for now!

Sammy xo

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