Saturday 22 June 2013

Friday Night Photos! Chilled out Saturday

Afternoon everyone :)

Just wanted to post some photos of my evening last night. I really want to invest in a good camera, as I take a lot of pictures! But I do like capturing moments with my trusty iPhone. 
Me and Rob went to a TGI Fridays; we love the food there, and settled on the same meal, which was gooood. I always challenge myself to see if I can finish my whole plate, (man v food styley) but I've actually only managed it once, and that was after a whole day walking around at the zoo! Rob also chose the manliest cocktail he could find, a nice purple number which basically tasted like alcoholic Ribena! The barman gave him a wink after establishing that I had ordered a nice bright purple drink for my man, haha. I had a prosecco cocktail mixed with orange sherbet; it was pretty good! 
We did go to the cinema afterwards, and saw the new Brad Pitt film, World War Z. If you like intense movies, this is definitely one for you! The only calm moments are the first 5 minutes, literally, after that you are absolutely on the edge of your seat! I highly recommend it.
I took that last photo on our way home. We just came up from an underpass and the street lights looked almost like fireworks; I was glad I caught it in a picture!

Anyone up to anything exciting this weekend? I'm having a chilled out day today as I know that tomorrow is going to be a long, but exciting day! I'm really hoping to get a photo with The Overtones, who are performing after me. 

Have a great Saturday everyone! 

Sammy xo

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