Friday 21 June 2013

Fabulous Friday!

It's Friday! Fabulous Friday! I've had a busy one so far, but have finally found a minute to sit down and catch up with some of my favourite bloggers, and write a little something myself before this evening!

I can't function in the morning without a cup of tea, (how British) so I started off my day with an appropriately captioned mug-full, and two chocolate chip brioche rolls from Mark and Sparks. If you've never tried them, I suggest you do! They're sooo good. My mouth is watering now just thinking about them. I know there's one more downstairs but 3 in a day definitely qualifies as greedy, really. Unless you all agree that it doesn't? In which case I'll go and eat it before anyone else does...
I then did my sister a huuuuge favour, she owes me now! Basically, she has her college end of year show next week, and needs a white, floor length, evening dress for the finale. We ordered her one off ebay almost 4 weeks ago, but unfortunately, ebay really let us down this time, and it never arrived! So I went trawling around Prom/Bridal shops this morning in the hope of finding something, which I finally did. She's only little too, 5" and a size 6, which made it more problematic, so I had to get her out of college to try one on. Luckily it was a perfect fit - clearly meant to be! - so that put an end to a big stress! I honestly thought we were going to have to get a wedding dress at one point, just as well not, I may never have left the boutique if I started looking. I could see them looking at me, calling me over. (I should add that I am in NO position to even be thinking about weddings, but how could any girl not get caught up in a slight daydream whilst surrounded by these beautiful dresses?! Just me? Oh.)
After that I've went to the gym - standard - and got ready to go out once Rob finishes work. He's taking me out for dinner tonight, and I think we might go to the cinema too. I've been so much recently; there's so many good films out that I want to see. I'll let you know if and what we see!

I've posted a picture of Bailey and Billy from when I got home; they were SO excited to see me, (although they're generally overexcited at the sight of anyone) just look at Baileys face! When he gets excited he does these funny little yaps, which he can only do with his head facing the ceiling. So when he finishes yapping he then faces you again with this mahoosive grin. I've caught him mid-way between the two, haha, bless him. And Fatbill is just waddling headlong towards my lap for a nice cuddle. Please don't be offended that we call him Fatbill, but he IS over double the size of Bailey, which is funny because they are brothers from the same litter. It's beyond me how he's managed to get so enormous! He's super cuddly, and he loves being carried around like a baby. :)

I might make some brownies before Rob gets here...hmm...I've got that Friday Feeling. Where I like to eat loads of food. Haha. 
I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday! Any plans? Anyone else going to the cinema tonight? 

Speak soon!

Sammy xo

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