Sunday 30 June 2013

London Adventures // Photossss

Hello everyone <3
The weather must have been listening to me; it's finally sunny and warm, and I can wear summer clothes! Hooray! We are preparing for an epic bbq this afternoon. There is so much food in my house right now, I'm so excited, I love bbq food, especially when the weather is this perfect. It's funny, because you can just imagine the amount of bbq's happening today; everyone running out to get food, burger buns, cider. Any of you having one today too? I can't believe that I'm the only one. :) I'm also happy, because I'm wearing a new shirt I got in the H&M sale the other day, it's mint green and really light; perfect for a warm day. Photos later!

So back to this post. Yesterday, me and Rob decided to have a tourist day out in London. We do this every now and then. I'm in London every week for work and stuff, but I never venture round being a tourist, so I like to do it once in a while! I wore my new white woven vest, H&M sale, (£5, winning) black trainer wedges and black leggings, both Primark, and my vintage gold chain necklace that I match with everything. :)

Our first stop was to Covent Garden for lunch at Bar and Grill 'Maxwells'. American burgers and grill with my favourite - cocktails! Rob of course found Purple Rain on the menu again and ordered that, and I went for a Baileys Banana Colada. It was basically an alcoholic milkshake, and it was goooood. Once we'd done the rounds here, we headed towards Picadilly, for Hollister and Gilly Hicks. I was overwhelmed by the amount of underwear and bikinis. I can't not buy underwear, I just love it, so I had to exercise some real self-restraint not to buy everything I laid eyes on. I'm glad I did though, because there's a 70% sale online right now.... yay!
When we arrived in Picadilly, we noticed that it was really busy, busier than normal. What we didn't realise was that we had arrived slap bang in the middle of the London Pride parade! There were so many people, and it was a great atmosphere, but it was too crowded for that sort of heat, so we decided it was best to move on.
Now, I discovered the other day that Rob had never been to Harrods. I found this quite unreal. I've only been there like 3 times in my life, but I've still been and experienced it, so I decided it was my moral duty for Rob go and actually see Harrods! As expected, it was also crazily busy, but we went on the Egyptian Escalator, up to the pet spa, (where we saw baby Billy and Baileys, eeek!) and around the Food Halls. They had these incredible meringues, I think I got a photo of the raspberry and dark chocolate meringue. I really regret not buying one now. Oh well, we'll just have to go back... ;)
As we were in the area, we also went to the Natural History Museum (I did warn you about it being a seriously touristy day) and went round the Dinosaur bit, because we are just that cool. Haha.
Once we'd finished checking out the dino's, we went to Kings Cross and went to the Harry Potter shop! (I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I have a teeny tiny obsession with HP? I don't think obsessions a strong enough word, if that gives you a hint.) Anyway...we went and had a look at what was on offer in there. It was okay, had a few good things in it, but wasn't a patch on Harry Potter land in Florida, or the Warner Bros tour. I'm not making myself sound too cool here am I. I've revealed too much. Let's just get off of this topic now before you all leave me!
We then headed to a pub and enjoyed a cider over ice, which was just what the doctor ordered. Normally I'd go for Brothers Strawberry Cider, but if that's not available, Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime is just as good. They've recently brought out a limited edition Passion fruit one, which could actually be my new favourite. Anyone else a cider drinker? Let me know what your favourite is, I love trying new ones! Like, what's that Toffee Apple one about?!

My feet are aching today, but it was totally worth it. So good to wander around with Rob and discover new places to go!

I have to go and make a start on this BBQ now. I'm hungry! Let me know what you're doing with your sunny sunday! It's too nice to stay indoors. :)

I'll be back later on, to seriously get on with posting my haul from in the week, and todays bbq food, for example, a Mars Bar dip for strawberrys, marshmallows etc. (Yes, it's as good as it sounds!)

Sammy xo

Thursday 27 June 2013

Skin and Make up tips for battling HAYFEVER!

Hello lovely readers, 
Again, I must apologise for the infrequency of my posts this week - there's been a lot going on, but I'm nearly  back on track now! 

Well, it's definitely hayfever season. I feel sorry for anyone who is suffering like I am. There isn't enough piriteze in the world to get rid of this! I find that not only do I get the funny throat, and watery eyes and nose that is standard with hayfever; it also wreaks havoc with my skin. I'm sure I'm not the only one? I thought I'd post some of my best tips for advice if your skin is messed up by season changes/hayfever, too. 

- Allergy Tablets. 
Okay, so while this isn't a beauty tip or quick fix, an allergy tablet before you go to sleep, and when you wake up is definitely the first step to tackling watery or puffy eyes. If you can get these under control, you're onto a winner. It's bad enough when you're out, and the wind causes your eyes to stream, and your mascara ends up in strange places. So try to control it from first thing in the morning! Piriton are my savior, they really are. (Obviously, I understand if you don't take tablets, that's fine, don't feel compelled to do this!)
- Washing!
So, pollen gets around. Once you've woken, and allergy-tableted up (if you take tablets :]) make sure you thoroughly cleanse your face, especially round your eyes, and nose. Do whatever you normally do in the morning, shower, or face planting into the sink, warm water, cold water, face wash, just make sure you do so in hayfever season! I would then normally cleanse and tone with my No7 cleanser and toner, which I will post about soon. And then I follow with Clarins Beauty Flash Balm, which you can read about briefly here. Pollen gets around and will have clung to your skin over night, so it's best to decrease what you can at the start of your day. 
- Make up
If your skin goes as strange as mine, you'll know how it feels and looks slightly blotchy, mine changes texture and is nothing like its normal smoothness! You'll also know that it's not going to be happy with a lot of make up on it. Obviously, sometimes it's inescapable - you ARE going to have to wear make up, because you have places to be! (Luckily for me today, the only place I went to was the gym, so I got away with being make up free, giving my face and well-received break.) 
The best advice I have, is to not over-clog your skin with too many products, in order to make it appear more natural. Less is more! This can be said for many situations, but it really is applicable here. 
No7 Colour calming primer is BRILLIANT, if your skin is red or patchy. Its a green, creamy primer, which is formulated to be non pore blocking, revitalise skin, and creates the perfect foundation base by neutralising redness on the skin. I LOVE this product - and save it for when I really need it - days like today are a perfect example! Perfect for anyone who suffers with patchy skin, or redness throughout the year, like I do. 
Okay so back to make up!
If you're going to wear foundation, try not to use heavily oil based one, as it may sink into your already upset skin, and will not provide a matt, even-coverage, when you need it the most. I would recommend a mineral based foundation, Bare Minerals, L'oreal true match. If you don't buy into powder based foundations, I do quite like the Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid. It's quite light on your skin, and is air whipped, for top pore coverage. Or, just use your favourite tinted moisturiser for the day! 
Go ahead with what you would normally do, but gently! Bronze and blush as normal.
My eyes show off that I am affected by hayfever, so I avoid using too much on them. They'll look and feel heavier and smaller than normal, showing that something's up! Personally, I wouldn't use eyeshadow on a day like today and normally -I can't live without my eyeliner, but if it's bad enough, I will. So I'd either not use it, or do the smallest line, and just use a good WATERPROOF mascara for the day. (If you'd like to hear about my opinions on waterproof mascaras, I'll do a post. Just let me know!) 

I'm just trying to express that rather than caking on loads of make-up to compensate for angry skin, use less, and aim for a fresher, dewier look, you'll more natural and your skin will really thank you for it!

Do you any of you experience upset skin with hayfever, or does it play up when the weather changes? Mine always does, but some of my friends are lucky and never do! 
I hope my advice may be of use to someone. I'd be happy to go into more detail if you'd like. Just let me know! :)

Guess what - It's Friday again tomorrow! Fabulous Friday, at last!
I've just remembered that I still need to post some of great finds in the H&M sale the other day...I'll get on that soon!

Over and out for now!

Sammy xo

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Mid week posting madness, family birthdays!

Happy hobbit!

Stars and Stripes knickerbocker glory - vanilla and strawberry ice cream, marshmallows, smarties and chocolate sauce. If you're not a fan of sugar, this may not be the ideal choice for you...

Hello everyone! 
I'm sorry, I'm so behind this week. Yesterday was my nans 70th birthday, so my mum and I surprised her with a visit from my aunt (her eldest daughter) in a restaurant. It was brilliant; she really had no idea, it looked like she'd seen a ghost, and had to have a glass of wine. (Big deal because she doesn't drink - bless!) I guess birthday surprises are a good idea! We took her to a restaurant in Southend, called Tomassi's. It's really well known for its desserts - special pancakes, waffles, and these enormous knickerbocker glorys. There are so many flavours; Stars and Stripes, Italian black magic, vanilla macaroon, Eton mess, you name it, and they've probably got it. They're amazing! I love desserts. I just love food in general. Sometimes I go to sleep thinking about what I'm going to have for breakfast... Is that wrong? Surely other people must do that too... Sorry, off in my own world there.
I uploaded a photo of my outfit yesterday. I wore my aquamarine chiffon waterfall-style skirt, from a boutique in Leigh Broadway, the cropped white top I bought from Primark last week, vintage gold chain necklace, River Island drop-cross earrings, and my favourite Topshop black chain waist belt, which I wear with everything! I teamed this with my white low-cut converse, just to keep it casual. Do you have a wardrobe staple you love to wear with everything? My belt is mine, it goes with all my outfits - or at least I make sure it does.

It was lovely weather yesterday, I was relieved to finally be able to wear a skirt without tights! Hopefully it's here to stay, it would be nice to wear some of the summer items I haven't be able to resist buying...

I was so pleased to celebrate with my nan yesterday; she said it was the best of all her birthdays, and I took some lovely family photos to remember it by. I really want to invest in a good camera when I can; my iphone is great for quick snaps, but they're not great quality! 

Over and out for now, I might have done another spot of shopping in the h&m watch this space! 

Sammy xo

Monday 24 June 2013

It's show time!

So yesterday was fun! What incredible show, and for such a fantastic cause.

I really wanted to take a photo from backstage but you are 100% not allowed your phones or cameras back there, so it wasn't possible. 
There is something so wonderful about being involved in a show. The fun of rehearsals, getting to the theatre and doing sound checks, tech-ing, run throughs, the make up, the costumes, the nerves before the curtain goes up, the excitement when the music starts, and then when it's all over, wishing you could do it all over again. That really doesn't sum up what the atmosphere is really like, but I don't know how to put it into words. There's just nothing like it. It's electric. 
The audience were incredible. The show finished with 'Do you hear the people sing?' from Les Mis, and as the song hit its peak, they stood, and waved their flags in time with the song. It was just, amazing. 
After the show, I went to the after party - good fun, more dancing! Somehow I never managed to get a photo of my outfit. Fail. But my little blue primark dress went down a treat! Nude heels, gold accessories, and bold lipstick to accompany it. :) 
This morning (after getting to bed at around 3.30) I had some new headshots taken. (Luckily I woke up looking fresh and alert after 5 hours sleep; in hindsight probably not the best idea I've ever had...) For those of you who don't know, your headshot is what gets you anywhere in this industry. If your headshot is wrong, you won't get seen for jobs, however right you may be for the role! Mine was so out-dated (I still had a pixie cut in it, woops) so clearly I wasn't doing myself any favours. I'm so excited to get them, new hairstyle and all. :)

Well, I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and a good start to the week today. I've got family visiting this week, so that will be fun. We're surprising my little Nan tomorrow - it's her 70th birthday this week and she's been trying to pretend it's not happening. Sorry Nan, we all know, you're not letting it slide! ;)

I'm sorry that this has been quite a stagey post! But I hope it gives you some sort of insight into what I do. If you're interested, here's a review of last nights show - 'West End Heroes Review' - I'm one of the 42nd sSt performers.
Is anyone else a performer? I'd love to know if you are. 

Over and out for now!

Sammy xo

Saturday 22 June 2013

Friday Night Photos! Chilled out Saturday

Afternoon everyone :)

Just wanted to post some photos of my evening last night. I really want to invest in a good camera, as I take a lot of pictures! But I do like capturing moments with my trusty iPhone. 
Me and Rob went to a TGI Fridays; we love the food there, and settled on the same meal, which was gooood. I always challenge myself to see if I can finish my whole plate, (man v food styley) but I've actually only managed it once, and that was after a whole day walking around at the zoo! Rob also chose the manliest cocktail he could find, a nice purple number which basically tasted like alcoholic Ribena! The barman gave him a wink after establishing that I had ordered a nice bright purple drink for my man, haha. I had a prosecco cocktail mixed with orange sherbet; it was pretty good! 
We did go to the cinema afterwards, and saw the new Brad Pitt film, World War Z. If you like intense movies, this is definitely one for you! The only calm moments are the first 5 minutes, literally, after that you are absolutely on the edge of your seat! I highly recommend it.
I took that last photo on our way home. We just came up from an underpass and the street lights looked almost like fireworks; I was glad I caught it in a picture!

Anyone up to anything exciting this weekend? I'm having a chilled out day today as I know that tomorrow is going to be a long, but exciting day! I'm really hoping to get a photo with The Overtones, who are performing after me. 

Have a great Saturday everyone! 

Sammy xo

Friday 21 June 2013

Fabulous Friday!

It's Friday! Fabulous Friday! I've had a busy one so far, but have finally found a minute to sit down and catch up with some of my favourite bloggers, and write a little something myself before this evening!

I can't function in the morning without a cup of tea, (how British) so I started off my day with an appropriately captioned mug-full, and two chocolate chip brioche rolls from Mark and Sparks. If you've never tried them, I suggest you do! They're sooo good. My mouth is watering now just thinking about them. I know there's one more downstairs but 3 in a day definitely qualifies as greedy, really. Unless you all agree that it doesn't? In which case I'll go and eat it before anyone else does...
I then did my sister a huuuuge favour, she owes me now! Basically, she has her college end of year show next week, and needs a white, floor length, evening dress for the finale. We ordered her one off ebay almost 4 weeks ago, but unfortunately, ebay really let us down this time, and it never arrived! So I went trawling around Prom/Bridal shops this morning in the hope of finding something, which I finally did. She's only little too, 5" and a size 6, which made it more problematic, so I had to get her out of college to try one on. Luckily it was a perfect fit - clearly meant to be! - so that put an end to a big stress! I honestly thought we were going to have to get a wedding dress at one point, just as well not, I may never have left the boutique if I started looking. I could see them looking at me, calling me over. (I should add that I am in NO position to even be thinking about weddings, but how could any girl not get caught up in a slight daydream whilst surrounded by these beautiful dresses?! Just me? Oh.)
After that I've went to the gym - standard - and got ready to go out once Rob finishes work. He's taking me out for dinner tonight, and I think we might go to the cinema too. I've been so much recently; there's so many good films out that I want to see. I'll let you know if and what we see!

I've posted a picture of Bailey and Billy from when I got home; they were SO excited to see me, (although they're generally overexcited at the sight of anyone) just look at Baileys face! When he gets excited he does these funny little yaps, which he can only do with his head facing the ceiling. So when he finishes yapping he then faces you again with this mahoosive grin. I've caught him mid-way between the two, haha, bless him. And Fatbill is just waddling headlong towards my lap for a nice cuddle. Please don't be offended that we call him Fatbill, but he IS over double the size of Bailey, which is funny because they are brothers from the same litter. It's beyond me how he's managed to get so enormous! He's super cuddly, and he loves being carried around like a baby. :)

I might make some brownies before Rob gets here...hmm...I've got that Friday Feeling. Where I like to eat loads of food. Haha. 
I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday! Any plans? Anyone else going to the cinema tonight? 

Speak soon!

Sammy xo

Thursday 20 June 2013

Primark haul! Mid week shop.

Hello world! 
I've been itching to get back on here to write, but have had two full on days rehearsing for West End Heroes which is playing at the Dominion Theatre this Sunday, in aid of Help For Heroes. It's going to be a wonderful event; there are so many amazing people giving up their time for a great cause. I'm really looking forward to it! 
After the show, there is going to be an after party, which is definitely going to be a 'dress to impress' sort of evening! Normally I always stick to a tried and trusted LBD, (can't go wrong!) but I really want to start introducing more colour into my wardrobe. It was so hard avoiding dresses with black on them, but I've succeeded! (Kind of..) I decided on trusty old Primark as they've got a great selection of dresses at the moment, at really great prices. 
I absolutely love the fit of this dress! I saw the black one and loved the fabric, style, length, everything about it, and then next to it was the bright blue one! Total win-win, I got myself a lovely new LBD, and a bright coloured dress which I can wear on Sunday! As I know the style is great for my body shape, when a black dress may be more appropriate, I won't be wishing that the blue one was black! And, they are only £10.00 each, barrrrrgain! They are also great quality, (considering the source!); the fabric stretches, but doesn't appear see-through, and isn't a thin, lightweight fabric. It feels very durable, and thicker than a normal Primark bodycon. I'm so excited to wear the blue one!  
Above is a picture of a ring I got for £1.50 too. The zip on the dress is gold, but looks a bit silvery in the picture, so I'm planning to wear it on Sunday too. I will of course post a picture of the whole outfit! Definitely need to choose some shoes....that's another whole can of worms; why do I continue to only buy black heels?! If anyone has any ideas as to what colour shoes would be a good investment pair, please let me know! If you've seen some, tell me! I'm thinking something tan/nude would be pretty versatile?

Seeing as how I've titled this post a 'haul', I should probably show you it! Cue photo:

(Apologies for the quality of the first picture, I don't know what was going on with the light in my room!) 
I'm obsessed with these lovely high neck crops at the moment, this black one was about £3.50 I think! And I think the white cap sleeved one was the same price. They're so easy to dress up, or wear whenever, maybe with high waisted jeans or something. I couldn't really say no, I love stocking up on basics! Heel shields, very handy, especially with a night out on the horizon ;) And finally, these two necklaces were reduced to a £1 each! A black rope chain with a silver cross, and a tan strap with a gold cross. I liked how the cross' were only knotted on, so I can change them about depending on my outfit that day. I wear a lot of black and gold so I think that'll be a popular combination. 

Anyone else picked up some good Primark bargains recently? The Topshop sale started today; I didn't have a chance to stop in, but I bet some lucky ladies got some great steals there today!

Sammy xo 

Monday 17 June 2013

Something new for my Monday Blues!

Had the Monday blues this morning, absolutely didn't want to get out of bed! However it was made all the better as I remembered I had bought some new flower lights to hang around my bed frame. I did have some lovely pink ones, but they've started to look a bit tatty. Look how pretty!
I'll post another photo once I've hung them up :)

I Hope you've all day a good Monday! Anything exciting happening this week?

Sammy xo

HAIR EXTENSIONS...The Good & The Bad..

Hair Extensions...a topic I've wanted to write about for a long time! I'm going to waffle on for 5 minutes now about my hair history, I promise it's relevant!
In 2009, I cut my nearly waist-length hair off into a bob, and month later, went for a pixie cut with a fringe, (basically the same style as Frankie Sandford's was.) I loved it, I couldn't believe I'd waited so long to cut it off, I found like I'd finally discovered the style I was meant to have! I kept it short up until May last year. I did a ton of hair shows, and decided that after having it cut into styles I didn't choose (all of which were amazing I must add, and fabulous colours!) I would probably be more versatile if I grew it out a bit.
So, from June to September, I left it, so it just looked a bit messy. By December, I could tie it into a tiny little ponytail! (Top Tip, if your hair doesn't grow as fast as you'd like, definitely invest in Lee Staffords Hair Growth Shampoo and Conditioner...You'll thank me later! ;]) In January I went to the Caribbean for my 21st birthday present with my boyfriend Rob, so from February I was back to normality and needed to seriously sort out my hair, because 'mullet' isn't a good enough description for what my poor hair looked like! 
I decided that I definitely wanted extensions, to get me through the worst of the growing out process, and settled on a brand called Easilocks. I would like to point out now that this is just my opinion and I am expressing my experience with them. In case you decide not to read on, I'll say it now, please DON'T get them! It's been my biggest waste of money, and caused me so much stress! A friend of mine is qualified to fit Easilocks, Great Lengths, and some others I think, but she was very excited about EL's as they are a really tiny version of Microloops, and were reusable for about 3 times. You can leave them in for 3 months at a time before you must have them redone, so I was looking at about 9 months of wear. Brilliant! Or so I thought... 
Here's some photos of me before, and once they were in for the first time:
So, 3 months later, it was definitely time to have them redone. My wonderful friend spent about 5 hours, painstakingly removing each one, and replacing it. But, it was made longer by the fact that once you had used the section of hair, it didn't fit into a new they hair had to be trimmed to fit back in. We both agreed that for the amount I had paid for the hair (£360 smacaroons) there should be a better method. However, they all went back in, and I left, very pleased with the results. This, though, is when the nightmare really began! 
4 days later, I scratched my head, near a lock. And out came a whole piece of hair. I lightly tugged on the bit next to it, and it came out easier than plucking a grape off of its stalk! I thought it was bit odd, because for the whole 3 months previously, not a single one had fallen out (until the 12th week, but that was expected.) A week after, 20 strands were out. 
2 weeks after, and over 60 were gone. There were now less on my head than I had in my hand! I was devastated, I looked ridiculous, I'd paid so much money to have them all fall out, and I couldn't see what to do next! 

I rang my friend straight away, and she was mortified. I 100% do not blame her, she spent so long trying to make sure that each strand was the right shape to fit back in to be reused, but the fact of the matter, is that the hair is NOT reusable. She has tried to contact them, but no one will give her the time of day. Absolutely appalling. She will no longer be using the Easilocks method!

This all happened at the end of April. I didn't want to spend out on clip ins, as I already have some, but I needed something a little easier to contend with, so purchased a half wig. I LOVE it! So easy to quickly change your look if you fancy it! Mine is made of synthetic hair, and I purchased some fibre conditioning spray to keep it looking good! I now save it for certain jobs, or if I just fancy wearing it ;)
It looks so real, even one of my closest friends didn't realise it wasn't my own hair!
But obviously, I really needed to sort out my actual hair. Since I last saw her, my friend had taken the time to make her own bonds using a technique from Great Lengths and my Easilocks hair. This took her HOURS, but she was so cross with what had happened, she spent loads of time to fix the problem. Great Lengths works by using ultrasound technology, virtually no heat, and the bonds are flat and clear. I'm SO happy with them!
Here's the before and after...

One very happy customer! 

Do any of you have any hair horror stories? What's your opinion on hair extensions? My experience has definitely been a learning curve. If you choose a good brand, they're so great to change up a style, add some length, some volume. With mine, I can dye them too, which is handy! 
Do you guys prefer clip-ins, or do you think permanent ones are better? Let me know! 

It feels really good to have finally got that off of my chest, so thankyou, and well done if you stuck with me all the way through that! 

Sammy xo

Sunday 16 June 2013


Hey hey!
So I thought I would have time yesterday afternoon to post my makeup regime, but before I knew it, my afternoon had vanished and I had to get to rehearsals for a job I was doing that evening! However, better late than never eh? 

 I know I'm not alone in saying that I have certain skincare and beauty items that I couldn't do without! Every morning, after removing the traces of mascara that I clearly didn't get rid of well enough the night before, I absolutely have to use my Beauty Flash Balm from Clarins. It makes my skin feel awake, and keeps my skin hydrated all day, but doesn't make it greasy or oily. I have very dry skin, so it's a great one for me. It also provides a great base for my make up; it can definitely double as a primer!

Once the miracle Flash Balm has soaked in, I like to use Bare Minerals PRIME TIME. It's a really velvety texture and makes my face so smooth! I like to allow a fair amount of time for my make up; I can do it quickly, but there's no point rushing it if I don't have to..
As I've said before, I suffer from eczema, which I used to get all over my face when I was younger. I've finally got it under control, but it's still very important for me to use the right make up, or it all comes back. Not great! Last year I fell in love with Bare Minerals for foundation, bronzer, and it's mineral veil. I would recommend this brand for any girl who suffers from dry, or patchy skin! Honestly, definitely invest, you won't regret it!
(Bare Minerals Primer, Foundation, Bronzer, Mineral Veil, Brushes and Concealer Brush. Benefit Blusher, and Body Shop Brush.)
The Bare Minerals foundation is a powder foundation, which you swirl, tap, and buff onto your skin! Do any of you use Bare Minerals? If you're interested to know how to apply the foundation and bronzers/blush/veil, let me know and I'll do a post on how-to!
I use the Medium Beige colour. When I first purchased it, I was surprised as I have very pale skin, and thought Light would be the match for me, but Medium Beige was definitely the best choice. I use Medium when I have a tan! 
(Benefit Big Beautiful Eye pallet, Collection 2000 Eyeliner, Rimmel Kohl Pencil Eyeliner, GOSH Eyeshadow Pallet, and Rimmer Scandal Eyes Mascara.)
These are my normal every day products for my eyes. I will definitely review each of these a bit later on! I'm going to focus for now on the Scandal Eyes Mascara from Rimmel. I ran out of Mascara and needed something quickly, and unfortunately my local Boots is a small one, and only stocks Rimmel and No.7! Luckily I love both brands, but obviously the price range is quite different! I didn't have much time to spend choosing, so I went for Scandal Eyes, which was only £6.99 and one I hadn't tried before. 
Well, it definitely kept its promise not to clump your lashes, which is always a big tick from me! I can't bare clumpy lashesand it does capture and separate every lash nicely! However, you do need to apply about 3 coats to make it look like you have mascara on! But it does nicely for a casual, every-day look. 
(One eye with Scandal Eyes Mascara, really lengthens my non existent lashes!)

So, make up on, it was time for me to have a hair overhaul! I can't wait to show you what I had done, I've been waiting for a few weeks, and it's a good story I promise! :)

Before I go, what are your beauty and skincare must-haves? I would love to know what you all recommend! 

Sammy xo

Friday 14 June 2013


Just claiming my blog!
Follow me by clicking this link, it's as the Meerkats say..'Simples!' 
εFollow my blog with Bloglovin <3

Sammy xo


Cue party poppers, it's FRIDAY!
I don't know about you, but this has felt like a really long week.
I started my day using my new Aussie products after washing my hair with the last of my Bedhead shampoo and conditioner..(cry)
 photo 603d7a3f-d90c-45ce-ae61-be8d50f52046.jpg
(Aussie, currently 3 for £10 at Boots)

I've been growing my hair out for a year, and had it cut for the first time last week! (Sounds gross, it's honestly not, it's managed to stay in such good condition, considering it's been dyed about 6 different colours, forced into a hair piece for 6 weeks solid, and then hair extensions for 3 months!)
The bottom right is where I am now, it's ALL my own hair! The long one was when I had my extensions in.

I have naturally very frizzy hair. Whilst it was short, frizz wasn't a problem - I suppose it was being cut off before it got out of control - but now that I've got more length, I'm pulling out all the stops to tame the frizz! I like to use Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance, it's a leave in conditioner you spray on after washing. I really recommend this, it really helps keep my hair hydrated after blow drying and straightening. 
You really should already, but if you haven't, PLEASE make sure to invest in a good heat protecting spray! The leave in conditioner helps keep it soft, but isn't actually protecting against the damage your straighteners can do! I'm currently using Aussie Take The Heat, which you also spray on, and comb through your hair before drying. It really does the trick!
Finally, after straightening, I pump a coin sized amount of Aussie Shine Serum into my hand, rub between my fingers, and work it through my hair. For me, mainly at the ends because that's where my main frizz is (damn split ends) but all over too. Try not to go too near the root; this can give the impression that you have greasy hair! Yum.. 

Tomorrow I'm having my hair extensions put back in. Not all over, just to even out the length, as the front is still a tad shorter than the back, and I'd like it all one length. Watch this space for advice on extensions...

Sammy xo

Wednesday 12 June 2013


I don't think 2 items really count as a haul...but it's been a while since I treated myself to anything so I'm going to call it one anyway. ;)

Now, I don't know about you, but I can't exercise any self-restraint in Topshop. I want to buy it all! But I did very well, and only bought one thing. High 5!
I treated myself to a little crop top; I buy these all the time, as they are great for dancing and auditions, and would look cute with high waisted shorts or leggings for the summer or going out on the town! I buy so much black, I really need to experiment with some colour..Oh well. And fringing is so on trend right now, I couldn't resist!
(Topshop Black Fringed Crop Top, £12.00)

I'm a 32A/B, and this size 8 is perfect for me. The only thing is that the straps aren't very elasticated so I can tell they might loosen with wear, but if they do, it'll be easy to fix. I can't wait to wear it! I love wearing something shiny and new :)

You know that fabric that is everywhere at the moment, cotton, one colour, speckled? There are these T-Shirt dresses in it at the moment, originally in Topshop I think. They are £26, and in a variety of colours. I reeeally wanted a Topshop one, but really for a thin cotton dress, £26 felt slightly like daylight robbery! Sorry Toppers, I still love you.. Primark did have a copy, but not in my size. A shame, because (for about £8 I think?) it would have exhausted my need for this dress nicely. 

(New Look T-Shirt Dress, £12.99)

I found that New Look had some great copies for only £12.99! I'm sure there are other colours online or in different stores, but I had a choice of Grey, Denim Blue, 2 types of Pink, and a sort of Taupe colour. I chose a simple grey one. 
Now, as with any girl, I think we all appreciate that we seem to change size from shop to shop. Normally I go between an 8-10. Sometimes a 6 (if it's a good day ;]) I didn't have time to try the dress on, but wow, am I glad I went with a 6! I wouldn't say it was massive, but I think if I'd bought an 8 it really would have been, and I think that's crazy! I've never been swamped by an 8 in my life. So, as a heads up girls, these T-shirt dresses come up bigger than you'd think. 

Now we just need some sun so we can wear our dresses tights-free! 

Sammy xo

Tuesday 11 June 2013


So after a good browse in the High Street yesterday, I bought myself a few treats necessities. 
Up until recently I have had a massive obsession with Barry M nail varnish. I think I owned about 50 at one point, but I've had to get rid of some the gloopiest old ones! Tried thinning them out with nail varnish remover but I don't think any amount could salvage them :( Although they're not the best varnishes, every now and then you do find one with great consistency, that doesn't chip and does give great coverage, but really I think you'd be lucky to find 1 in 5 that is actually half decent! So although they're cheap, if you buy as many as me to find a good one, you may as well have bought something better. 
Now, I've wanted a good neon colour for a while, ever since borrowing a friends and falling in love with it, so I got myself Models Own, Pink Punch from the neon range. It's more that orangey-red highlighter colour, rather than pink highlighter, which they do also have. 
(Models Own, Pink Punch Neon Varnish, £5.00 from Boots)

After cutting, buffering and base coating my nails, (for base coat, I use Rimmel 60 second clear coat. It really does dry in 60 seconds!) I began to apply Pink Punch. It went on really easily, great consistency! I did 2 coats; it looked glossier, and made sure the colour wasn't patchy. It dried really quickly, I didn't have to wait to apply the 2nd coat. I also didn't bother with a topcoat, and after making dinner last night, washing and blow-drying my hair, and going to the gym today, it hasn't chipped at all! 
I will be trying out some other colours to make sure it wasn't just a one-off, but I would give this particular Nail Varnish 5 stars! 

Sammy xo