Wednesday 31 July 2013

Getting back on track, cakes, life updates and sorts

Hello everyone!
So I definitely haven't blogged for about a month. Which is quite unforgivable really. The only excuse I have is that I had such a busy July! I've also been quite down and not felt up to writing some days, but I feel a bit better now. 
Apologies if you're not in the UK, I'm sure you've been reading it everywhere, but WOW has it been hot! I am a sun LOVER, so have definitely been in my element in this heat! I blogged about our first BBQ of the year a few weeks ago, before the sunny weather had really picked up, and since then, I've lost count of how many BBQ's I've eaten. I just love sitting out on the swing chair, cider in hand, with the food flaming away nicely! That was until the bbq caught fire. We haven't had one since. You can imagine my devastation I'm sure. Haha.
I've attended a friends leaving party (off to work at Universal Singapore for 13 months!) my best friends 21st birthday, getting my cakes back on track, work work work, gym gym gym, and sorting out somewhere to live for when I move away for work in October! I just don't know where July went. 

I've taken a ton of photos this month but as they'd be highly out of context now, I don't feel like posting a backlog of pictures, but I thought I'd share with you some examples of the cake pops I've been baking. They are too yummy, (if I do say so myself!) I need to update my cake page on fb, which you can find at the link above if you're interested. 

So, I'm back, and I'm setting myself a challenge to post a picture of something every day. I am yet to decide on the theme....I've got a few hours yet...hmmm....any ideas would be good! 

Ooh, and check back in a few minutes because I HAVE to share with you the amazing sandals I treated myself to! 

Over and out for now, 

Sammy xo

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